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Clinical Pearl Details

July 2013

Sonja Viljoen, PT, FAAOMPT, NAIOMT -

Technique: Use of a cost effective pool noodle instead of a foam roll or a collapsing towel roll for scapular exercises.
Indication: Placing a pool noodle lengthwise along a patient's spine allows for easier hand access of the therapist's hand to facilitate, re-educate, or relax the patient's scapular muscles. Traditional foam rolls are often too high and more costly.The patient then uses the same noodle for their home exercise program, getting proprioception from the noodle as well as freedom of movement when lying on the floor.
Positioning: The patient lies supine on the treatment bed with a small or large pool noodle, lengthwise under their spine, extending from their pelvis to their head. (optional pillow under their head) There is now ample space between the bed and the patient's scapula for the therapist's hand to facilitate re-education of scapular motions. The noodle gives easier access to the scapula that is no longer restricted by the patient's weight compressing it against the bed. As a home exercise tool, the patient will lie supine on the floor with the noodle lengthwise under their spine. From this position the patient can do active or resisted exercises without their weight restricting the scapula. The noodle also provides proprioception as the scapula moves relatively to the noodle.
Instruction: Pool noodles can be purchased for $1.00 to $1.75 at most major grocery or Dollar stores compared to $15.00 for foam rolls.
figure 1
Figure 1
figure 2
Figure 2

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