State Delegate Leaders
AAOMPT Capitol Hill Day Information

Planning multiple visits to members of Congress takes a great deal of coordination and communication. To make this process less difficult AAOMPT is developing a system that includes a State Delegate Leader to manage each state's delegation.

The AAOMPT Conference Registration Form includes a selection for State Delegate Leader. If you would like to volunteer to be your State Delegation's Leader, please check the appropriate box on the registration form. AAOMPT will contact you with instructions on how to set up the Senate appointments, information on participants in your delegation and information on current legislative issues of importance to your state.

The State Delegate Leader's role includes:
  • Scheduling both state Senate appointments for the morning of Thursday, October 15.

  • Coordinating and leading the Senate meetings with the other state attendees present.

  • Providing additional assistance to (possibly attending) other state attendees individual meetings with their Congressman/woman.

  • Post-conference follow-up with attendees from their state to ensure evaluation forms and meeting forms have been submitted.

  • Continued post-conference communication with AAOMPT regarding future advocacy opportunities within their respective states/districts.